Mobile Health field has emerged as a sub-segment of eHealth that is used for the practice of medicine and public health supported by mobile devices. It is mostly used for reference in mobile communication devices such as mobile phones, tablet computers and PDAs and wearable devices such as smartwatches for health services, information and data collection. It is estimated that three million people are connected to some remote monitoring device at home that is monitored by a caregiver.
Mobile Health Monitoring Diagnostic Devices and Services Share:
The Mobile health monitoring diagnostic devices and services market is segmented into various types in which glucose monitors holds the most significant share in the market and is expected to continue the growth during the forecast period.
Mobile Health Monitoring Diagnostic Devices and Services Size:
The market share is expected to reach USD 51.18 billion with a CAGR of 46% by 2024.
North America holds the largest size in Mobile Health Monitoring Diagnostic Devices and Services due to the increasing presence of manufacturers and also the rising consumer base of smart
Mobile Health Monitoring Diagnostic Devices and Services Growth:
The factors that propel the growth of the market are technological advances that can track patient health and inform about the changes in the body, vital sign monitoring devices, growing patient awareness for chronic diseases and increasing usage of mobile phones for healthcare.
Mobile Health Monitoring Diagnostic Devices and Services Industry Analysis:
Mobile Health Monitoring Diagnostic Devices and Services Market is segmented by Type which is further segmented into the diagnostic device, cardiac monitors, multi-parameter trackers, diabetes management devices and glucose monitors.
Mobile Health Monitoring Diagnostic Devices and Services Outlook:
Many of the healthcare industries are trying to implement the new technology to increase the share of the Mobile Health
Starting from $2700
Starting from $2700
Starting from $2700
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